The Grumpy Lion

We are starting the presentation with a happy giraffe, that gets fresh leaves and receives lots of attention from the passing visitors. Tennoji Zoo is an interesting place to see, with lots of noises from curious children discovering the beauty of nature.
Looking at the size of the giraffe made me rethink the size of Noah’s Ark 🙂
But, not anyone is happy here. The Lion is forced to have the Giraffe as a neighbor. If the laws of nature were to be followed, the hungry lion should have the giraffe for lunch. But his dream is far away from becoming reality so he has to cope with the placed regulations and fences. Maybe, one day he will show some friendliness to the giraffe.

Somewhere in the dark, lies the grumpy lion. You can hear his grumbling. He cannot overcome his nature. Do you think he will quit the idea of hunting for food?